Region Skåne

How Region Skåne is governed

Region Skåne is a self-governing administrative region, funded by taxes, which is governed by a Regional Council of 149 members who are directly elected by the inhabitants of Skåne.

En hand sträcker sig efter röstlappar.

The Regional Council makes decisions regarding budget and direction for Region Skåne’s various operations. Most decisions are based on suggestions made by the Regional Executive Committee.

The Regional Council makes decisions concerning everything from health care and public transport to regional development and culture. The Regional Council also makes decisions concerning the budget, and how much tax the inhabitants of Skåne are to pay to co-finance the various operations.

The Regional Council appoints the Regional Executive Committee

The Regional Council appoints the Regional Executive Committee, which puts forward many of the proposals decided upon by the Regional Council. In total, the Regional Executive Committee has 15 committee members and 15 substitutes.

Below the Regional Council and the Regional Executive Committee are committees, subcommittees and preparatory subcommittees with different areas of responsibility.

The Regional Council directs the committees through the budget, by stating goals, and putting up a framework and guidelines in it for how their different operations are to be run.

Auditors scrutinise operations

The Regional Council also appoints Region Skåne’s auditors, who independently - politically and otherwise - audit all operations in Region Skåne, with the purpose of controlling that the decisions made by the Regional Council are implemented in an efficient and favourable way.

Last updated: 23 September 2024

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