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Educated outside the EU/EEA in a profession requiring medical license

If you have been educated outside the EU/EEA in a profession requiring medical license, Region Skåne can support you in the process of obtaining a Swedish medical license.

En sal med datorer och laboratorieutrustning. Fyra personer arbetar med olika saker. En sitter vid datorn, en håller i prover, och två diskuterar något.

Applications for Swedish medical licenses are made via the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Follow the instructions on the Board’s website.

If you have been educated outside the EU/EEA but have worked in another EU/EEA country for at least three years, you will need to apply for a medical license as you would if you had been educated within the EU/EEA.

Applying for a Swedish medical license can take two to four years for those educated outside the EU/EEA.

Get your education reviewed

The first thing you should do is let the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare review your education. The Board can then advise you what steps you need to take to obtain a Swedish medical license. You do not need to know any Swedish to get your education reviewed by the Board.

Language requirements

In order to work within the Swedish medical health care profession, you must have good Swedish language skills. Equivalent skills in Danish and Norwegian are also acceptable.

The Swedish language in the health care profession

General knowledge test

In order to obtain a Swedish medical license, you must take general knowledge tests. The tests include theoretical and practical parts. Which university or college in Sweden you will need to take the tests at depends on which profession you are applying for. The International Office can support you in preparing for these tests.

In Skåne, the University of Lund arranges “Prepare for the General Knowledge Test” education for doctors. Admission is twice a year.

There is similar education for nurses. If you are educated in another profession requiring medical license, the International Office can help you by making suggestions for study material.

Practical work

Once you have passed the general knowledge test, you must carry out practical work. Region Skåne can provide this, if so possible.

The practical work lasts six months for doctors, and three months for other professions requiring medical license. You will carry out duties that do not require medical license during the practical work.

In order to be approved for your practical work, you will need to carry out certain work duties to an acceptable standard. The clinic where you do your practical work is specified on an assessment template, which is drawn up by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.

For a number of professions requiring medical license, a so-called special appointment is required during the practical work. You need this to be able to work in the profession without having a medical license. The clinic will need to apply via the Board at least one month before the practical work is to start.


Last updated: 12 July 2024

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